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People’s Cable Group won the honorary title

Company News

Ingenuity, quality, trust for the future - People's Cable Group was awarded the honorary title of "Zhengzhou Enterprise Excellence Performance Management Incubation Base"

On the morning of July 20, 2022, the unveiling ceremony of "Zhengzhou Enterprise Excellence Performance Management Incubation Base" was held in People's Cable Group. Mayor Zhang Donghui, Deputy Mayor Wang Zhifeng, leaders of the competent departments of the Gongyi Municipal Government, persons in charge of incubated enterprises, and journalists from the news media attended the unveiling ceremony. Cao Mingju, chairman of the group, welcomed the presence of the leaders.

Unveiling ceremony scene

The "Excellent Performance Management Incubation Base" is the implementation of the important exposition spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Three Transformations" by the market supervision department of Zhengzhou City, conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and vigorously carry out quality improvement actions. Give full play to the social responsibility of government quality award enterprises, constantly explore new models of service enterprises, stabilize the economy, promote growth, and promote new measures for the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises. People's Cable Group won this honorary title with its advanced management concept and excellent quality control mode.

Since the Group introduced the excellent performance management model in 2012, driven by innovation, centered on strategy, culture and market, focused on intelligent manufacturing and lean management, it has continuously improved the internal quality improvement management system and applied advanced quality management methods. The quality control system with our industry characteristics has been formed, the technological innovation system has been improved, and the control ability and level of product quality have been continuously enhanced, which has greatly promoted the upgrading of the company's product quality and provided a strong foundation for the realization of the high-quality development of the group company. protection.

Ingenuity and quality, trust the future. In the next step, the group will take the completion of the incubation base as an opportunity, focus on the three cores of quality, technology and management, focus on the development strategy of "innovation, green, intelligence, resource utilization, and low cost", deepen the "three strong" grasp the team, and implement the "three refined" "Focus on management, strengthen the "three basics" and focus on construction, and at the same time actively help the hatched enterprises to effectively introduce the excellent performance management model, improve the management level of the enterprise, realize the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise through vigorous incubation, and strive to build the best excellent performance management incubation base; Taking the pursuit of excellent quality as the core driving force to promote enterprise development, we will continue to take the road of high-quality development and make greater contributions to the revitalization of Henan's cable industry.


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