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People’s Cable Group organizes the 2021 health checkup for all employees

Company News

On October 12-13, 2021, Beijing time, China, People's Cable Group kicked off the 2021 medical examination for all employees. This physical examination was conducted by professional physical examiners from Ruikang Hospital of Gongyi City to our company for physical examination. The physical examination items include electrocardiogram, chest dialysis, blood routine, blood lipids, liver and kidney function, etc.

In order to do a good job in this physical examination, the company made serious preparations in the early stage, actively coordinated and communicated with the physical examination center, reasonably arranged physical examination matters, and provided protection for the physical examination activities. Participants in this physical examination include not only all the family members of the group, but also the parents of the top ten meritors and top ten figures of the year. This is also a caring and affirmation of the annual advanced.

At the physical examination site, the family members who participated in the physical examination lined up to receive the physical examination form, and were inspected item by item under the guidance of the medical examiner. Because the family members are busy with their daily work and there are many inconveniences in going to the hospital for physical examination, the company specially organizes the hospital physical examination vehicle to enter the company to conduct physical examinations for the employees. This not only provides a convenient physical examination environment for the family, but also reflects the company's health care for the family and actively implements the corporate mission of "People's Cable makes people's lives better".

 The family members who participated in the physical examination unanimously stated that: the company’s annual health examination is very practical, allowing us to understand the health of our bodies in time. It should be said that the care has been meticulous, from free meals to free shuttle buses, from training and learning to cultural and sports activities. From promotion planning to various selections, the family is always the core. This atmosphere makes us feel very warm.

The company has always adhered to the people-oriented principle and focused on building a "home culture". Through various cultural and entertainment activities, welfare mechanisms, training and promotion and other carriers, every trace of caring for the family is imprinted into the hearts of the family, and the family culture runs through every work. Item details. Chairman Cao Mingju specifically put forward in the company's overall strategic plan: "The happiness index of all family members should be maintained at the highest level in the industry", and the group's annual health checkup not only protects the health of employees, strengthens cohesion, and builds harmony. The company’s corporate environment also fully reflects the company’s care for employees, highlights the cultural connotation of the group’s happy work and life, improves employee happiness, and allows employees to feel the warmth of the people’s family, which is bound to be sustainable for the company Development plays a positive role in promoting.


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